Praise "Bob"!

Yes, it's Eternal Salvation, or TRIPLE your money back! Hallelujah! Reveling in his newest ShorDurPerSav, the Superior Mutant pays his Church dues knowing they will return a thousandfold. The mutated NATURAL WINNER LAUGHS! The random Jesii can't touch him, so he will win when "Bob" wins! Quit your job! SLACK OFF! NOW! Indeed, delusions are GOOD! Your own delusions is pure Bulldada! Its wonderful MOCKERY (as the Blandoids whimper for a mercy that will be DENIED) is DOOMED to perish in flames without Dobbs! SMASH law and order! Think of a PIPE, sticking in a human face, FOREVER! Pity the Drones, the VILE Blandoids who make jealous attempts to BALK us. These Drone pawns oppress the Superior Mutant like FETTERS on a FELON! Strike them off! They CANNOT BE HELPED.

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